
ICS3U 2018-2019 Sem 1

Page history last edited by Steve Sweeney 6 years, 2 months ago



Introduction to Computer Science, Grade 11

University Preparation

"This course introduces students to computer science. Students will design software independently and as part of a team, using industry-standard programming tools and applying the software development life-cycle model. They will also write and use subprograms within computer programs. Students will develop creative solutions for various types of problems as their understanding of the computing environment grows.  They will also explore environmental and ergonomic issues, emerging research in computer science, and global career trends in computer-related fields."


General Course Outline

4 5
6 7 8







Transition to Java Strings
Subprograms Arrays Projects
Language: Turing or Java
Turing or Java
Turing or Java
Java Java Java Java Java


All Turing Lessons  All Java Lessons


Summative Project

Dec.19 to Jan.24

Game Ideas by Theme/Difficulty

CS Contest Questions


Unit 6: Arrays & Strings

Date Topic / Lesson Additional Reading Resources Exercises
String Operations



VT: String Methods

Exercises - Strings 

# 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 15

  Assignment: Strings      
Present: Intro to Arrays

Note - Basic Arrays

Sample Code - Arrays

  1. VT1: Intro to Arrays
  2. VT2: Introduction to Arrays
Exercises - Arrays # 1, 2
Present: Using Arrays  
  1. VT: Table of Values
  2. VT: Summing Elements in Array
Exercises - Arrays
Present: Applications of Arrays  

Sample Code: Dynamic Arrays


Present: Arrays in Methods   VT - Arrays in Methods  
  Present: 2D Arrays (optional)   VT - Multi-Dimensional Arrays 
  Assignment: Arrays      


Unit 5: Methods in Java

(also called Subroutines, Subprograms, Functions, Procedures)

Date Topic / Lesson Additional Reading Resources Exercises
Present: Intro to Methods Note: Method Basics

VT: Introduction to Methods

Sample Code: Creating a Method

Ex: Subroutines without Parameters

Present: Passing Parameters


Note: Parameter Passing

VT: Passing Parameters to a Method

Sample Code: Method Parameters

Ex: Subroutines with Parameters

Present: Return Values


Note: Return Values

VT: Return Values from Methods

Sample Code: Return Values

VT: Methods Return Boolean Values

Ex: Functions with Return Values
  Present: Random Number Method Note: Random Numbers   Ex: Random Values
Present: Method Overloading Note: Method Overloading VT: Method Overloading

New Java Outlines for Methods

(with several video tutorials)

  Present: Scope of Variables      


Unit 4: Transition to Java

Turing to Java All Java Lessons
Turing to Java

VT Playlist: Turing to Java

  Turing to Java Lesson: First Program in Java

Sample Code (IPO, IF/ELSE, Loops)


Unit 3: Repetition (Loops)

Counted Loops
  1. Lesson - Counted Loops
  2. Use video tutorial to clarify lesson
  3. counted loop exercises
  4. more counted loop exercises
VT - Counted Loops

Conditional Loops

  1. Lesson - Conditional Loops 
  2. use video tutorials & code examples as support
  3. Exercises - Conditional Loops
  1. VT - Loops with Exit Condition at Beginning
  2. VT - Loops with Exit Condition at End
  3. Code Examples - Conditional Loops

Nested Loops

(loops within loops)

  1. Lesson - Nested Loops
  2. counted loop exercises # 4, 6
  3. more counted loop exercises # 5
  4. Conditional Loops Exercises # 2, 3
VT - Nested Loops (loop within another loop)
Random Values
  1. Presentation - Random Values
  2. Random Values Exercises
Assignment - Loops   Turing - Java Cheatsheet


Unit 2 - Programming in Turing - Selection (IF/ELSE)

Date Topic
Activity ~ Classwork ~ Homework Resources


Simple Selection using If/Else

(one or two pathways)

  1. Presentation - Simple If/Else Statements
  2. Exercises - Simple Decisions Part A # 1, 2, 3

Complex Selection:


(three or more pathways)

  1. Presentation - Nested Selection Statements
  2. Exercises - Selection Part B
Logical Operators
  1. Presentation - Logical Operators
  2. Exercises - Selection Part B
    (try Part C if done Part B)
VT - AND/OR Logical Operations
Boolean Variables Presentation - Boolean Variables VT - Boolean Variables with Logical Operators
Assignment - Selection see Edmodo


Unit 1 - Input Processing Output (IPO) in Turing

Date Topic
Activity ~ Classwork ~ Homework Resources


  1. Introduction to Course
  2. File Organization & History
  3. Turing Programming Environment
  4. Edmodo
  1. Presentation - Introduction to Course
  2. Read [Note - File Organization & History] and setup your file structure
  3. Read [Note - Install Turing] and install the Turing IDE
  4. Register for Edmodo and connect to course
  5. Finished? Try an activity from the Hour of Code.
  6. Finished? Try the Lightbot programming/logic game.


Creating Your First Programs

- output simple text to the screen

  1. Presentation - Intro to Programming in Turing
  2. Complete as many [Output Exercises] as possible
  3. If all exercises complete, look ahead to next lesson

[Note - First Program & Output]

[Video - Simple Output in Turing]


Adding Variables & User Input

- interactive programs

  1. Presentation - Input 
  2. Work [Input Exercises

[Note - Data Types]

[Note - Variables]

[Note - Changing Variables]

[Video - Input & Variables] 

[Video - Variables & Data Types]

[Video - Floating Point Errors]


Performing Calculations
  1. Presentation - Calculations & Assigning Values
  2. Exercises - Calculations
[Video - Input & Variables]
Work Period
  • catch up on lessons & exercises so far
  • submit completed exercises to Edmodo
  • ask for help where necessary
  • be prepared to show your progress and answer questions
Math Contest Programming Problems
Mathematical Functions
  1. Presentation: Mathematical Functions
  2. Exercises: Mathematical Functions
Constants & Initial Values Presentation: Constants & Initial Values  

Advanced Output & Formatting

(includes rounding)

Presentation: Advanced Output  


Assignment - IPO
  • see Edmodo
  • If you have started working in Java, you may ask to do assignment in Java





  1. Reduce any numerators with any denominator

  2. Multiply (reduced) numerators

  3. Multiply (reduced) denominators

  4. Reduce if possible (if previous steps done perfectly, will not be necessary)

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