
ICS2O 2018-2019 Sem 2

Page history last edited by Steve Sweeney 5 years, 8 months ago

Introduction to Computer Studies, Grade 10

Prerequisite Course(s): NONE


"This course introduces students to computer programming.  Students will plan and write simple computer programs by applying fundamental programming concepts, and learn to create clear and maintainable internal documentation.  They will also learn to manage a computer by studying hardware configurations, software selection, operating system functions, networking, and safe computing practices.  Students will also investigate the social impact of computer technologies, and develop an understanding of environmental and ethical issues related to the use of computers."


Course Schedule (Newest Lessons at Top)

Date Topic Activity ~ Classwork ~ Homework Materials & Resources
Random Values
  1. Presentation - Random Values
  2. Random Values Exercises
Nested Loops
  1. Lesson - Nested Loops
  2. counted loop exercises # 4, 6
  3. more counted loop exercises # 5
  4. Conditional Loops Exercises # 2, 3
VT - Nested Loops (loop within another loop)
Conditional Loops
  1. Lesson - Conditional Loops 
  2. use video tutorials & code examples as support
  3. Exercises - Conditional Loops
  1. VT - Loops with Exit Condition at Beginning
  2. VT - Loops with Exit Condition at End
  3. Code Examples - Conditional Loops
M27 Counted Loops
  1. Lesson - Counted Loops
  2. Use video tutorial to clarify lesson
  3. counted loop exercises
  4. more counted loop exercises
VT - Counted Loops
M21 Assignment: Selection in Turing    


Boolean Variables

Presentation - Boolean Variables VT - Boolean Variables with Logical Operators

Logical Operators & Boolean Expressions:


  1. Presentation - Logical Operators
  2. Exercises - Selection Part B
    (try Part C if done Part B)

Nested Selection Statements

(more than 2 choices)

  1. Presentation - Nested Selection Statements
  2. Exercises - Selection Part B

Introduction to Selection:

Decisions using IF/ELSE
  1. Presentation - Simple If/Else Statements
  2. Exercises - Simple Decisions Part A # 1, 2, 3

Turing Part 2:

Selection (IF/ELSE) Statements

  All Turing Lessons


Networks & Security

M09 Review for Test
  1. Complete worksheets
  2. Study worksheet questions, discuss with other students to improve answers
M08 Binary Numbers
M06 Computer Security Solutions
  1. Lesson - Security Solutions
Computer Security Threats
  1. Lesson - Security Threats
  2. Worksheet (see Edmodo)
Home Networking
  1. Lesson - Home Networks
  2. Worksheet (see Edmodo)

Networking Protocols
  1. Lesson - Networking Protocols
  2. Worksheet (see Edmodo)

Video: DHCP

Video: DNS

Computer Networks
  1. Presentation - Computer Networks
  2. Worksheet (see Edmodo)
  3. Continue work on IPO Assignment

VT - Computer Networking 1 2

HSW - Home Networks

HSW - Client-Server Computing


Hardware Part 2:

Networking & Security

Assignment: IPO in Turing    

Formatted Output

(specifically, rounding numbers)

  1. Presentation - Formatted Output
  2. Finish working on Exercises
    1. Calculation & Variables Exercises
    2. Input Exercises
A18 work period  
Calculations & Assignment Operator
  1. Presentation - Calculations
  2. Work on Calculation & Variables Exercises
VT - Calculations & Variables
Basic Input & Variables
  1. Presentation - Input 
  2. Work on [Input Exercises
VT - Input & Variables
Basic Output
  1. Presentation: Basic Output
  2. Work on [Output Exercises]

Introduction to Turing

  • basic output
  • basic input
  • simple variables
  1. Presentation - First Program
  2. Presentation - Output in Turing
  3. Work on [Output Exercises]

Turing Part 1:


ICS2O Folder Setup - Unit 3
A10 Test: Computer Hardware    


Computer Purchasing

see Edmodo for instructions, template document  


Revenge of the Nerds # 3

A04 Computer System Performance    
A03 Operating Systems worksheet: submit to Edmodo
A02 Peripheral Devices worksheet: submit to Edmodo  
A01 Power and Heat worksheet: submit to Edmodo  
M28 Computer Graphics worksheet: submit to Edmodo  
Computer Storage
worksheet: submit to Edmodo  
M25 Microprocessors & CPUs worksheet: submit to Edmodo  
M21 Intro to Computer Hardware    

Hardware Part 1:

Basic Computer Hardware
ICS2O Folder Setup - Unit 2
M06 Assignment: Repetition (Loops) see Edmodo for assignment details  



  1. Presentation - Repetition (Loops)
  2. Loop Exercises

Scratch Part 3:

Repetition (Loops)


Assignment: Selection (IF/ELSE)

see Edmodo for assignment details


Selection - 3 or More Decisions
  1. Presentation - Nested Selection Statements
  2. Exercises - Selection Part B
F21 work period Exercises - Selection Part A  
Selection - Making Decisions
  1. Presentation - Selection in Scratch
  2. Exercises - Selection Part A

Assignment: IPO (Calculations)

see Edmodo for assignment details
Scratch to Edmodo Instructions
F12 work period Scratch Exercises - Input/Processing/Output  



work period
  1. Continue to work on IPO exercises and submit your completed work to Edmodo
    Scratch Exercises - Input/Processing/Output



Math Calculations in Scratch
  1. Lesson - Calculations in Scratch
  2. Scratch Exercises - Input/Processing/Output
VT: Basic Arithmetic



Input & Output in Scratch
  1. Presentation - Input-Variables-Output
  2. Exercises - Input/Processing/Output Parts A & B
  3. Finished Lightbot yet?

VT: Simple Input

VT: Scratch Basics

F06 Introduction to Scratch
  1. Make sure Scratch is installed on your computer
    OR, using the online editor
  2. Setup your ICS2O file structure
    [Note - File Organization & History]
    ICS2O Folder Setup - Unit 01
  3. Create a sub-folder: 01 Scratch
    You will save all of your Scratch programs here
  4. Experiment with Scratch
    It is not necessary to save your work yet.
  5. Feel free to continue with hour of code or Lightbot activities

Scratch Part 1:


Programming in Scratch   [All Scratch Lessons]



Introduction to Programming
  1. Presentation: Problem Solving
  2. Worksheet - Problem Solving (see Edmodo)
  3. Install Scratch desktop application:
    X:\Handout\Sweeney\ICS2O\Scratch Installer
    You will need to copy the installer to your P: drive and run it from there.
  4. Done? Do the "hour of code" activity at code.org
    (recommend: Minecraft, Frozen, Star Wars, Classic Maze)
  5. Done? Try the Lightbot programming/logic game.
    (start with the "Basics", explore, and have fun!)



Introduction to ICS2O

  1. Presentation: Introduction to ICS2O
  2. OCDSB student accounts & passwords
  3. Edmodo accounts (join the ICS2O Edmodo Group)
  4. Google student accounts & google drive
  5. Read [Note - File Organization & History] and setup your file structure

Why Learn to Code?

Did You Know? (Youtube Video)

Cisco Top 25 Predictions

Oldest Lessons at Bottom

describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies

Computer Storage worksheet: submit to Edmodo
Computer Graphics worksheet: submit to Edmodo  

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