Selection using IF-THEN-ELSE in Turing

Selection is the process of making a decision based upon the available data.  All decisions in a programming language are based on a condition, or multiple conditions.  It is important to remember to write our conditions so they can resolve to either true or false, depending on the data.


Conditions, or conditional statements, use the Relational Operators to compare values (see link to refresh your memory of relational operators)


The simplest form of selection is the IF statement.


if (condition is true) then do something


In Turing, the IF statement has a specific form.  In this case, we are only interested in the true outcome for the selection, so we have one possible outcome.


if (age >= 16) then

     put "You are old enough to drive"

end if


For situations where we are interested in both the true and the false outcome, we add the else statement, and now have two possible outcomes.


if (age >= 16) then

     put "You are old enough to drive"


     put "Sorry, you're not ready to drive yet."

end if


For more than two outcomes, it is possible to use nested-if statements to handle the logic.  Fortunately, Turing provides a simpler form called the "else if", which Turing writes as "elsif".  This allows a condition for each outcome.  It is important to note that the conditions will be evaluated in order, and the first true condition is the only one that gets processed!  Compare the following fragments of code:


Example 1 - works correctly Example 2 - will not catch older drivers

if (age >= 70) then

     put "You can drive after an eye exam"

elsif (age >= 16)

     put "You are old enough to drive"


     put "Sorry, you're not ready to drive yet."

end if

if (age >= 16) then

     put "You are old enough to drive"

elsif (age >= 70)

     put "You can drive after an eye exam"


     put "Sorry, you're not ready to drive yet."

end if


It is possible to create more complicated selection statements by using multiple conditions.  Conditions are combined through the use of the Logical Operators (and, or).


if ( age >= 18 ) and ( citizenship = "Canadian" ) and ( validIdentification >= 2 ) then

     put "Allow this person to vote here."


     put "This person must fill out a special form in order to vote."

end if